Kristen Stewart is burning to get her baby strike on—as her Twilight heroine Bella, of course!
through today's New Moon panel dialogue at Comic-Con, K.Stew was asked which facet of the future films she was most looking forward to. "Uh, I can't wait to get pregnant," she said, giggling.
In on the joke, costar Robert Pattinson added, "I can't wait to perform the Caesarean!" The screeching 6,000-person crowd, of course, caught the reference to the gruesome birth that takes place in Breaking Dawn—which is still three movies away!
But the panel wasn't all about vampire spawn. Costar/werewolf Taylor Lautner, director Chris Weitz and Ashley Greene joined the fun, too, as lots of New Moon footage hit the screen. And R.Pattz admitted to being a "pussy."
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